• +383 45 499 414
  • info@anarecruitment.org


Job Requirement Analysis:

  • Collaborate with employers to understand the specific requirements for workers. Identify the essential qualities, basic qualifications, and job responsibilities associated with each role
  • Identifikimi i cilësive thelbësore, kualifikimet bazë dhe përgjegjësitë e punës që lidhen me secilin rol.

Application and Resume Collection:

  • Collect applications and resumes from interested candidates. Screen applicants for basic eligibility and match them with suitable job openings.
  • • Collect applications and resumes from interested candidates. • Screen applicants for basic eligibility and match them with suitable job openings.

Interview Coordination:

  • Schedule and coordinate interviews for workers. Conduct initial screenings to assess candidates' reliability, motivation, and communication skills.
  • Kryejmë ekzaminimet fillestare për të vlerësuar besueshmërinë, motivimin dhe aftësitë e komunikimit të kandidatëve.

Basic Skills Assessment:

  • Administer basic assessments to gauge candidates' aptitude for the required tasks. Verify candidates' eligibility to work and ensure they meet legal requirements.
  • Verifikojmë përshtatshmërinë e kandidatëve për të punuar dhe sigurohemi që ata i plotësojnë kërkesat ligjore.

Job Placement Assistance:

  • Facilitate the placement of workers into temporary or permanent positions. Match candidates with employers based on their availability, location, and job preferences.
  • Përputhim kandidatët me punëdhënësit bazuar në disponueshmërinë e tyre, vendndodhjen dhe preferencat e punës.

Training and Orientation:

Provide basic training or orientation sessions for candidates to familiarize them with job expectations. Offer guidance on workplace etiquette and safety procedures.

  • Ofrojmë udhëzime për etikën dhe procedurat e sigurisë në vendin e punës.

Documentation and Compliance:

  • Assist in completing necessary employment documentation, such as contracts and onboarding paperwork. Ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations.
  • Sigurohemi që gjithçka është në pajtueshmëri me ligjet dhe rregulloret e punës.

Support During Transition:

Offer support to candidates during the transition into a new role. Address any concerns or challenges they may face in the early stages of employment.

  • Adresojnë çdo shqetësim apo sfidë me të cilën mund të përballen në fazat e hershme të punësimit.